CB Consulting srl adopts procedures and company policy compliant with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679 – GDPR) for the purposes of guarantee a fair treatment of personal information.

This document allows you to know our policy about privacy and how your personal informations are treated.

We kindly ask you, before sending any personal information to the owner, to read carefully the privacy notice related with your relationship with CB Consulting srl because those documents contain important information about the treatment of your personal information.

According to the rules of the European Regulation (GDPR), the treatments will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitation of purposes and conservation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

If you would like to exercise your right, make a report or receive more information about the treatment procedures of your personal informations, you can contact the data treatment owner at the following email address:

What are cookies?

Cookies are users data fragment stored locally on own computer and used to enhance the web navigation.These informations are exchanged between a web site and the user’s browser and they allow the web sites to recognize your computer and to send to it personalized informations based on your navigation sessions.

Cookies are used for various activities, automatic authentication, to track sessions, to store information useful to enhance the web navigation or the user experience.

There are different kinds of cookies:

Technical cookie: Technical cookies are those used solely for “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network or to the extent strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or User to provide that service”.

Analysis Cookies: They are used for statistical analysis, to enhance the web site and simplify its use and, besides, to monitor the proper operation.This kind of cookies collects anonymous informations about the users activities on the web site. This kind of cookies are issued by solely third party.

Third-Party cookies (for instance: functional cookie/social network/media streaming): this kind of cookies is used to integrate into the web site features developed by third parts, like icons and preferences expressed within the social networks with the porpouse of share web site’s contents or to use third-party’s software services (maps or softwares that offer additional services).These cookies are issued by third-party domains and by partner websites which offer their services within this web site.

Profiling Cookies: Their scope is to create user profiles and the are used to send advertisement message according to preferences stated by the user about the web navigation.Due to the particular invasiveness that this kind of devices can have within the users’ privacy, the italian and european law establishes the user must be satisfactorily informed about the use of this kind of cookies in order that he can express his consent.

For futher information you can visit the web site and the following document “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies” issued by “The Italian Data Protection Authority”

This web site uses several kind of cookies. Disabling technical cookies can lead to malfunctions of the current web site and its services.If in doubt or you are concerned about the use of cookies, you can modify your browser privacy policy in order to deny the use of some kind of cookies.

Each browser has its procedure to set up the cookie policies and user’s privacy policies.All browsers allow to control cookies settings and allow to disable cookies by using their configuration panel, below the instruction for the major web browsers:

Microsoft Edge:

Mozilla Firefox:

Google Chrome:

Apple Safari:


Data retention periods

The data is processed for the limited time necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing.

CategoriesDurationMain regulatory references
Customers, Suppliers, ConsultantsTerms provided by the regulations in force for the type of activityCurrent regulations for the type of activity, conservation of accounting records Italian Civil Code art. 2220 (10 years), art. 22 DPR 600/1973, Italian Civil Code art. 2948 periodic payments (5 years)
Customer and Supplier ContactsThe time necessary to complete the contractual purposesart. 5 lett. e) Reg. EU 2016/679
CV, Candidates24 monthsart. 5 lett. e) Reg. EU 2016/679
Employees10 yearsCurrent regulations for the type of activity, Civil Code art. 2946, Italian Legislative Decree 81/08, regulations on work
WebsiteFor the duration of the session as provided in the specific informationart. 5 Reg. EU 2016/679
Newsletter, marketing purposes, customer care purposesin accordance with current legislation and/or until consent is revoked or objected toItalian Data Protection Authority provision n. 181 of 10/15/2020, EU Reg. 2016/679
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