Client reviews

I wrote to Claudia Barberis in one of my many role changes at Azimut. I was moving into the private equity department and was looking for a professional who could accompany me in divulging this financial topics in a slightly different and less technical way: they often come across as  boring because they are treated in a way that seems aimed at keeping people out and there had always been a communication barrier.


I followed Claudia on both LinkedIn and other social networks, and what I liked was her very simple and direct way of communicating. I remember this first chat we had where she said, ‘Yes, I do choose my clients a bit,’ and in fact, I replied that I had chosen her too. We found ourselves aligned on this, and a beautiful communication journey began.


At first, I thought it would be like: “OK, I’m relying on a professional. Communication, done”. Instead, she made me work hard. I have to say this was a nice surprise.

It’s a journey that you do together, very rewarding, so we calibrated ourselves on what we wanted to achieve, where to get to, and how to resonate with people.


I wanted to tell something new, or rather something that already existed, but only for insiders and make it available for as many as I could.

That’s why Claudia and her team also proposed and produced a podcast for me. I have to say that the first episodes were really challenging from a preparation point of view, because you find yourself doing something you are not used to: it’s a different and absolutely less technical, more personal way of showing up.

When she first told me this, I didn’t believe her. With my more than 25 years of experience on all the stages of the world, I thought it would be easy. Instead I found myself feeling so exposed: having to represent myself is an even greater responsibility than just representing my company.


I must say that it has been a beautiful journey that has accompanied me for almost a year and a half, a very, very enriching journey.


I have received so much support. In fact, now that we have suspended the activities for some time, there are people asking me when will I resume it.

It was also a nice acknowledgement from a professional point of view. Those who followed me on the podcast and on social media kept saying: ‘Keep it on, it’s so interesting, I ‘m suggesting it to so many friends’, a confirmation within a confirmation, especially when you are in front of clients and leads who find coherence in who you are, how you present yourself and what you are trying to do, even though with instruments they may not be used to.


Last year, I realised that the company’s communication was boring even for me as the owner. I could no longer tolerate it because it was all about the product, the components, and the processes: I thought I had become really boring for my customer, so I decided to stop it.

In May 2023, I was at a trade fair, and there was a person with a role comparable to mine but who was very well known to everyone in the industry: this made me reflect and say that I was definitely doing something wrong because it wasn’t happening to me. I, therefore, left myself room for reflection until after the holiday.

Then, on the first day of my holidays, I was on social media, and I answered an ad from Claudia because I had been following her for three or four months. I liked her way of communicating, what she was proposing and what she was conveying to me. So, from the seaside, I filled in the form, and she got the request.

So we soon talked and it turned out that the person I had met at the fair had also been her client, who knew!

I still remember the afternoon along the beach when I told my husband about it. His reflection was: “but are you going to become someone else now?” and I said: “No, I don’t think so. She assured me that I will not change as a person, we will work together on my communication and strategy”.


Our work together started back in August, and suddenly it all clicked: I started communicating what I was thinking and my way of leading the company.

It all used to seem average to me but I saw it differently with Claudia because she lit up when I told her, and I still remember the day she told me: ‘Your company is a reflection of you”,’ and I had never thought about it.


In our collaboration, a task that seemed very, very hard to me at the beginning was to write down my point of wiew: I set myself to learn that, and I saw a remarkable change in myself. It wasn’t just me who saw the change, my colleagues noticed it, too.

She taught me to be an ambassador for myself, not just for the company.

It was nice when one day a person told me: ‘I finally associate a face with a voice’ because I used to communicate only by phone.

Nobody knew who I was and what I looked like because I didn’t go to events and fairs, and my socials did not exist.


On a company level, I have seen a big change because people are now looking for me, both new employees and customers. By communicating what I think, what I do and who I am, I realised that people are interested in coming to work with us, and so this has led to four people joining us in four months.

They are extremely valuable people that I would certainly not have been able to intercept if not through communication on the channels we have identified.

It’s really exciting to have this new role that didn’t belong to me before. I didn’t even know what it was and how to do it. She has taught me and is accompanying me on this path, and for me, that is a lot.


At the beginning, when I announced that I had Claudia Barberis by my side, people at first said: “Are you crazy? What can she do alongside an industrial company like yours?” But today, when we meet for dinner, I always get compliments.

All I can say is thank you.


Claudia is the right consultant to perfect your personal brand.

Plus, she gives you access to a network of like-minded professionals and insiders. Not to be missed.”

Matteo RivoltaEntrepreneur And Ceo Rifra Srl

Claudia is a reliable and knowledgeable professional and a kind-hearted person who knows how to ‘read’ those in front of her and find targeted solutions. She gives valuable guidance and strategy to build and get one’s personal brand off the ground.

Over the years, our mutual respect and trust turned into friendship

Sara VenturaFounder Sara Ventura Art And Body - Former Tennis Pro Trainer

I have seen from first-hand experience when I was a salesman, that a correct personal brand can increase conversions by up to 300%, and this is what has happened in my videos now, working with Claudia.

I wanted to offer the same opportunity to my sales team, and the results are already evident, both in terms of numbers and general motivation: it has allowed us to start again with an extra strategic push.”


I met Claudia Barberis through social media and was immediately impressed by her content, which is full of professionalism, transparency, and motivation. At first, I was a bit perplexed because I had no idea what a personal branding process would entail. The fear of her turning upside-down my professional and private figure were strong, but Claudia was able to really read inside of me.

She shed light on my strengths and turned them into key points of my personal communication without distorting the true essence of who I am. I believe this is one of the most important values: to be oneself and to represent oneself but with a stronger and more decisive echo.

Thank you, Claudia, for this journey together


Communicating is an art that has both ancestral and futuristic power, if you can grasp the power of change.


So, when I approached Claudia Barberis, I wanted to rediscover the power of a new language, of a communication that could tell my commitment, my knowledge and skills.

After all, as she says: “being the best is a waste, if no one sees it”, otherwise being good is useless!


That is why I am very satisfied with my experience with Claudia and the notions she transferred to me. I’m trying to make them my own right away, not without difficulty, but with results that did not take long to arrive.

Of course, I reserve myself the right to consult with her again in the future when I will need to ‘change my skin’ again!

Claudia Barberis is a guarantee of the essential skills for those who dream of establishing themselves in the professional world!


I did a consultancy with Claudia for my companies, and it was the first time I had worked on personal branding.

Claudia was very good. She listened to and respected everyone deeply and analysed the situation in an excellent way.

I had never thought that communicating and building a reputation could be so important in business: I realised how crucial it is to pass the right message to customers.

Never again without Claudia!

Money absolutely well spent, and I highly recommend not underestimating this aspect in your company


I decided to turn to Claudia Barberis because I wanted professional advice to achieve a personal brand that was consistent with my personal reputation and that of my company.

Through a guided process, Claudia came to define precisely and impeccably what was needed to achieve this, including her team of professionals (videomaker, photo studio, tailor).

As it was my first time with a personal communication consultancy, I was not sure what to expect during the process, but I knew what I wanted to achieve.

And this was fully achieved.

I recommend Claudia to those entrepreneurs and professionals who do not want to leave anything to chance, for those who believe that personal branding is important and that it is absolutely necessary to take care of it, like any other personal and corporate asset.


With Claudia’s workshop in the Albergatore Pro training, my aim was to give guidelines to the future consultants we are inducting into the company so that they present themselves in an authoritative manner and representative of our brand, to convince even those clients who are meeting them for the first time to avoid any doubts about their reliability and alignment with the role.

Everyone found it very interesting. It was an in-depth business course in branding, in which she covered even those ‘little’ details that, if you don’t know about them, make you lose your previously acquired advantage.

Structure and themes not to be taken for granted, impressive


I am an entrepreneur, I have a company in the real estate field and one in the after-sales services for air conditioners.

In addition, I do consultancy work as a business mentor: this activity leads me to do one-to-one consultations and public speaking in front of important audiences.

That is why it is crucial for me to have a personal brand that suits my role, reflects me and transmits confidence and trust to the people who rely on me.

Before, I had three major problems: I was anonymous, I was not taken too seriously because I am young, and I was often underestimated.

Claudia had me convinced because she offers a specialised service for business and I would have a precise strategy to follow. In addition, I now enjoy exposing myself, something that was previously burdensome for me.

What did I get from our work together?

– I doubled the conversion rates in consultancy sales, which alone more than repaid my investment.

– The comfort I now experience in preparing for meetings, events and gatherings and in promoting myself and my activities, also online.

– Plus, it was inspiring as an entrepreneur because it gave me a good overview


In the world there are a lot of fake gods and fake prophets who call themselves coaches and promise to make your life a fairy tale.

And then there is Claudia who does it for real.

This is my review three days after the delivery of my personalised Personal Brand Manual: I have changed, indeed revolutionized, my professional image and the way I present myself to the market, even online.

The beauty of this transformation lies in the immediate change in personal character and external perception.

I thank the day I decided to contact you. Thank you


Claudia is a very sincere person who is passionate about her work. She has helped me to be the person and entrepreneur I want to be, without getting lost in a thousand thoughts and attempts alone.

What I loved about her is that she has a comprehensive knowledge of Behavioural Psychology, which she applies to her method.

I am already applying just one of her strategic inputs, which is giving me great results alone. I am also working with her video maker for my promotional videos.

Claudia, what can I say? It has really been smart of me to contact you


Thank you, Claudia, for your valuable insights and your consistency, a quality unobtainable today in real life, let alone on social media where everybody is chasing followers and a hypothetical model, respecting ‘sacred’ dogmas and only few are focusing on giving value.

All except those who, having had the opportunity (and privilege) to cross path with you, are clear about what really matters and what is to be enhanced: your own personality and who you are, with the right strategy, a bit of originality and above all with consistency.

Thanks again!


I am writing this review a year later because, in a year the enthusiasm of the moment wanes, and only concreteness remains.

If it were not for Claudia, I would still waste a lot of time preparing myself and realising my promotional materials. Time is our most precious asset: for this time-saving alone, the journey with Claudia has paid off.

While in my work I already knew what I wanted to achieve, in my personal branding things were more complicated. Perhaps precisely because it is about me and not others, or also because of the constant desire to change, to test, to express my creative spirit. Claudia Barberis helped me to get straight to the goal of completely reflecting my personality and my professionalism, every day.


Would I do it again? Would I call Claudia again if I had the chance to go back? Yes, in fact, I would call her much sooner!


It is 3.48 p.m., and I have just finished my call with Claudia, in which I received my entire personal brand strategy manual.

I was afraid she would turn me upside-down (maybe I even needed it!), but no!

Claudia is very attentive to the needs of professionals: in the first meetings, questionnaires are used precisely to understand your role, environment and personality, so that she can give you pointers on how to communicate without overwhelming you.

The guidance she gave me helped me to understand certain mistakes, but above all, how to value ME, as a person and as an entrepreneur.

Now, I have to put everything into practice immediately, and the rest will come soon.

I really recommend it!!!


I contacted Claudia a little over a year after starting my online business promotion, because I needed to clarify my thoughts on how it would be best for my business to appear to my customers. I work in a typically male-dominated, very buttoned-up industry, which fits me a bit tightly, but on the other hand, I didn’t want to come across as too easy-going.

I chose Claudia because, after a very thorough interview, she gave me a complete and made to measure manual of my personal brand.

The thing I appreciated most was that I realised how it is not really me who has to adapt to who I am facing, but – if you rely on the right professionals – you create an image that enhances you and attracts the right prospects.

For years, I have been anxious and frustrated at the mere idea of taking photos and videos, but now I have my to-do list, and I am organised!

And I will not do it randomly, but knowing exactly what I need to communicate at my best.

Because as Claudia rightly says, ‘being the best is a waste, if no one sees it”.

Super recommended


When I approached Claudia, my problem was exactly this: clients perceived me as young and inexperienced at first sight, although they were forced to change their minds once they got to know my real competence.

My aim was, therefore, to make my experience felt from the very first moment, so that I would not have to fight prejudices later to assert my real value.

Thanks to Claudia, I have found my ideal dimension, managing to convey authority while not losing the creative and empathetic side that characterises my profession and my personality.

The results were visible immediately: the puzzled looks disappeared, and communication became easier and more effective.

But above all, I finally see reflected in the mirror a person who represents me for the experience and expertise I have. Thank you very much!


Have you ever been in a place, at an event or meeting and had the feeling of being transparent?

That feeling that your value is not visible and does not reach those around you.


If, like me, you are convinced that reputation and results are unquestionably linked, then don’t waste your time and money; have the lucidity to rely on an expert who will realise what you have in mind and make it ‘yours’ and usable every day.

That was my experience, made possible by Claudia


I have an automotive business, a real estate one and then I do business consulting.

I approached Claudia because I needed to reposition my personal brand, so we worked on some aspects of my visual communication, and I have to say that one of the results I took home was the confidence and authority I now have when I deal with others, especially the entrepreneurs I work with, and the different way they perceive and evaluate my work.

Thank you


I work in a multinational transport company and am in contact with managers and customers mainly from abroad.

I never cared about my personal brand because, for me, skills and results were only related to what I did and not how I positioned myself.

The downside was the fact that by colleagues and customers, I was often underestimated.

So I searched the internet for image courses to help me present myself better and found an image consultant who gave me a long general lesson on colour palettes for a whole day. Result: a lot of money spent, a theoretical concept, and above all, afterwards, I had the same problems as before.

One day, I came across one of Claudia’s ads, inviting people to fill out a free personality test to find out which type of archetype best represents you: the result was so much like me that I decided to look into it and contact her.

With a lot of hard work and a lot of laughter, we developed my professional personal brand and she also gave me a business etiquette course for foreign clients: Claudia handed me my own Personal Brand Manual with all the indications on how to present myself, propose myself and dress myself at work.

Now, I am always ready, comfortable and calm, and I always know what I have to do. Thank you, Claudia!


I am the founder of, and today, I am in Riccione for a very important event involving my company.

But now I would like to tell you a story: now you see me with a coherent and elegant image, but it was not always like that.

Until a few months ago, I was the classic entrepreneur always wearing tshirt and denim at the office, to meet clients and suppliers and in my online materials.

Then, one day, I made a discovery: I met Claudia Barberis personally (I was already following her on social media for her content).

At first, I was not so interested because I believed that for an entrepreneur, only substance mattered, until I realised that at networking events, by other entrepreneurs, or even speaking on stage as I did today, already having a consistent and entrenched personal brand was important because until now I was often misunderstood or taken lightly.

After a long phase of analysis (she listened to me a lot; it was like being on the psychologist’s couch), Claudia managed to decode what my true character was, different from the dull and resigned way in which I always presented myself despite being an exuberant and decisive person.

She has given me a new image, and I don’t think it has complicated my life. On the contrary, I am now comfortable and happy doing videos, public speaking and promoting my company.

Follow Claudia and contact her!


I want to thank Claudia because today I gave a speech at an important event in front of 350 people to present our consultancy and sell it.

It was the first time I had spoken in front of so many people, and I needed to feel comfortable: what I really liked about Claudia was that she help me prepare for the stage and made me realise why a certain type of personal brand was important based on what I wanted to convey about myself.

It is important to arrive not only with skills and expertise, but also with a clear brand, and this made the difference immediately, as soon as I stepped on stage

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