Who I am

I chose to dedicate myself to personal branding and communication of entrepreneurs and professionals based on a reflection: the most innovative and most interesting people I know, those who create value, build, innovate and can really make a difference, are often the ones least able to talk about themselves.

That is why they do not get all the results they deserve and leave room for people who are even less prepared but shout louder, damaging both themselves and the market that would need them and what they can do.


They teach us to work with our heads down, sometimes to talk, but not to communicate.

But learning how to do it becomes a superpower, and we change our lives.

Ours and that of our customers.

The method

Claudia Barberis

My method encompasses various disciplines: marketing and communication, psychology, visual communication, a lot of creativity and more than ten years of experience in the field.

The objective?

Creating a reputation that is authentic and, at the same time, strategically effective.

I believe in emphasising the human side of the business, the extraordinary people behind it, their history and values.

I believe that competence is no longer enough. You also need authority, influence and personal credibility.

I believe people want to connect and work with people they know, value, and trust.

Because being the best is a waste if no one can see it

Take up space
and make a difference

Trusted by:

My story

I was also a person ‘without a voice’, who was told by everyone how she should be (spoiler: always different from who I really was), with a family history too harsh to be acceptable, too young to be taken seriously, too feminine to be authoritative, too sensitive to be a leader, too naive in wanting to set up my own company instead of getting a ‘real job’.

Then I got bored.

I plugged my ears and moved on.

But to do this I had to learn to communicate in a way that was useful but really my own, to connect with an audience beyond appearances, in depth. I want to create trust and value and turn these people who feel like me into customers.

Even if they were twenty years older or ten years younger, whatever their gender or history, this common experience united us, and I had the honour of accompanying each of them on a piece of their journey towards what they desired through this much-feared EXPRESS.

I smile because none of my clients ever wanted visibility per se; on the contrary, they avoided it for years, as long as they could. Then, they saw that this rejection was exactly what drove them away from their hard-earned goals.

And so, together, we found a way of communicating that they liked, in which they really recognised themselves, not the classic mask created because ‘it works’ everyone does.


Today, with my company, I continue to do the same thing.
For you.

How can we help you?

If you are here you certainly have ambitious goals, an activity close to your heart and big plans.

Tell us your story and how you would like to move forward together.
Fill out the form, we will get back to you within 24 hours.’

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